Did you know that once every seven seconds, a worker suffers workplace injuries because of an unsafe work environment? That alone equates to about seven million work injuries each year!
If you recently suffered a workplace injury, you may be entitled to receive compensation other than your job’s low worker’s injury benefit. To ensure that you don’t get hurt at work, there are some things you and your employer can do to keep you safe.
Please continue reading below to learn more about common workplace injuries and who you can reach out to if you suffered an injury at the expense of a negligent party at work!
Common Workplace Injuries
Although there are several different types of workplaces, such as call centers, retail stores, or construction, they all share common workplace accidents. For example, the most common workplace accident in these different environments is a slip and fall.
Most people don’t know this, but a slip and fall can be detrimental. Depending on how someone falls, they could hit their head or injure their back. To prevent a slip-and-fall type of accident, it is best to use appropriate signage to indicate that the floor is wet. If there are stairs with heavy traffic, installing handrails can help guide people down the stairs, so they don’t fall.
Sharp edges and box cutters have the potential to cause severe workplace injuries. Training on how to properly and safely use these items is vital to prevent any severe cuts.
Limiting the location of where these sharp objects are used can also prevent cuts. For example, if an employee needs to use a box cutter in the warehouse, it is best only to use them in designated areas.
Getting Caught in Moving Machinery
Although these accidents with moving machinery are more common in factories, there is a chance that this could happen to anyone who works with heavy machinery. If the machine is not adequately guarded against, there is a chance that objects could fly off and hit someone, or someone could get stuck when walking by.
Safeguarding all machines is the best way to prevent any serious injuries from happening when working around heavy machinery. Heavy machinery accidents typically occur when someone without experience or training operates the machine. Before anyone operates with the machine, ensure they wear proper protective clothing and have training on the machine.
Repetitive Use Injuries
Repetitive use injuries are those that occur when you repetitively do a specific movement multiple times a week without any rest. For example, if you work in an office environment, you most likely sit down and type for most of your day.
Those who work in a construction zone often lift heavy objects repetitively without a break. It is best to take breaks after repeatedly doing a task to prevent repetitive use injuries. Preventative health programs are also an excellent way to ensure that you catch any potential injuries before they get worse.
Another common workplace injury comes from a strained neck or back. These types of strains come from lifting heavy objects incorrectly. You could severely injure yourself if you consistently pick up heavy boxes with your back. It is recommended that you wear back braces and lifting aids whenever possible to avoid straining your neck or back.
Vehicle Collisions
If your job requires you to drive a company vehicle or operate a forklift, there is a high chance you could sustain an injury in a collision.
Common vehicle collision injuries in the workplace:
- Being struck from an object falling from a vehicle
- Hit by a forklift operator who is not paying attention
- Falling off a forklift
- Getting into an auto accident when visiting a client
These types of accidents can leave severe injuries such as brain trauma, lacerations, or even amputation. To ensure your safety when operating a vehicle for work, be sure to be aware of your surroundings. Make sure you know how to operate unknown machinery before getting behind the wheel.
Can I Receive Compensation for Workplace Injuries?
In general, you can receive compensation from your employer through worker’s compensation. When you go through workman’s compensation, you may only receive a small amount of a benefit, which won’t cover your living expenses. In the event that your injury is at the expense of someone’s negligence, you may be entitled to more compensation.
If you are unsure if you should receive additional compensation, you can always reach out to a reputable personal injury attorney for more information. Most injury lawyers provide their clients with a free no, obligation consultation where they can go over your legal services options.
Is Hiring a Lawyer a Good Idea?
If you suffered severe injuries and are unsure about hiring a lawyer, you can always speak to one first before committing to hiring one. As mentioned earlier, most lawyers provide free case evaluations where they can go over your options. If you have a case, they will handle dealing with the insurance companies on your behalf while you focus on your healing.
Help if You Were Hurt at Work
When you go to work, you expect to be well taken care of and safe when doing your job. Unfortunately, several people suffer work-related injuries due to dealing with unknown machinery or repeatedly doing a task.
You could receive additional compensation if you recently sustained an injury at work. Of course, fighting for compensation when dealing with your job’s insurance company can be difficult when you go at it alone. Instead, you can rely on a reputable attorney to take care of that for you. Contact us for a free consultation and to learn more about your legal options.